
Catholicism is one of the three major Christian denominations. In this article we will explain what this religion is and how it differs from Orthodoxy.

A Brief History of Catholicism

All Christians are divided into three main denominations, so to speak forms of service to God – Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism.

Catholicism and Orthodoxy were formed way back in 1054, when the famous Council of St. Sophia split the Catholic Church and the Eastern Church separated from the Western Church.

Even later, in the 16th century, Catholicism split into Catholics and Protestants under the influence of Martin Luther’s teachings.

It is important to remember that all three of these denominations constitute Christianity and are by no means “enemies” of Orthodoxy, but brothers and sisters in Christ.

Catholics themselves differ in the rite of liturgy: there is the Roman, Byzantine, and others. But the distinctive feature of the Catholic Church is the belief in one universal Church, with the Pope at the head.

The foundations of Catholicism

The foundation of the Catholic Church is the Creed and the Christian dogmas:

  • Fliocwe is the dogma that the Holy Spirit proceeds from both God the Father and God the Son.
  • Celibacy is the dogma of the celibacy of priests and monks.
  • Purgatory is the dogma of a place between hell and heaven where one can atone for one’s sins.
  • The dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary and her bodily ascension.

At the head of the entire Catholic Church is the Pope. The Catholic Church is one church, all its offices in different countries are considered part of one church and are subordinate to the Pope.
An important feature of Catholicism is that Catholics do not consider the Pope a saint. Only his statements and decisions regarding the faith and the church are considered infallible, but he is not counted as a saint just because he was elected to that position.

Catholics love and appreciate the pope and he responds in kind, setting an example as a true believer. Just look at the stories that keep coming up in the news about the Pope washing the feet of prisoners. Or helping refugees.

What countries practice Catholicism?

There are over a billion Catholics in the world. Catholicism is one of the largest Christian denominations. Most Catholics are in Brazil, Mexico, the United States, and India.

Differences between Catholicism and Orthodoxy

Although both Catholics and Orthodox are Christians, there are some differences:

The most important one is the belief in the Holy Spirit, which comes from both God the Father and the Son. The Catholic Church places this as the basis of the Creed, in contrast to the Orthodox Church, which confesses that the Holy Spirit comes only from the Father.
The Catholic Church does not allow divorce; the sacrament of marriage is performed once and for life. The Orthodox Church does allow divorce in some cases.

Also, the Catholic Church does not allow marriage for priests. A person may receive only one sacrament in his life, either the sacrament of marriage or the sacrament of priesthood.

Exceptions are allowed if all the obligations of marriage have been fulfilled and the debt to the family has been paid (the person is widowed, the children are grown and support themselves) and he feels a true vocation in the service of God – then the reception of the sacrament of priesthood or the monastic ordination is possible.

The Catholic Church confesses purgatory. It is a place or state of the soul in which it is in the stage of cleansing from sins before going to heaven. In Orthodox doctrine, the soul does not have such a place (but there is a concept – the taxation of the soul).

First Communion. In Catholicism, a child may be baptized immediately, but children receive their first communion at the age of 7-10. It is a separate celebratory event, before which the child must undergo the first confession. In Orthodoxy, it is possible to receive communion immediately after baptism.

Apart from this, there are also differences in the forms of liturgical service.

Everything is laid down in tradition

The culture of the Catholic Church was originally established in Europe, enough churches were built and there was enough room in the church for everyone, even if seated. Some Greek Orthodox churches also have chairs with reclining seats where you can sit down during the service.

The Orthodox tradition, on the other hand, came first from sacrifice – asceticism, duty to God, so initially churches were built without “seating.” Also, more people came to services in the Orthodox Church, because they were more rare in the vast Russian expanse. There was simply no room for benches.
The altar of St. Peter’s Church in the Vatican.

Why are Catholics baptized from left to right?

Generally speaking, there is no such thing as “being baptized wrong”; both ways of crossing oneself are holy and valid.

The tradition of baptizing from left to right was established among Catholics long ago, and was established as a tradition at the Council of Trent by Pope Pius V. and was associated with the reforms of the church.

In this case, Catholics of the Latin rite are baptized from left to right and Catholics of the Byzantine rite are baptized from right to left, like the Orthodox.

Why is it possible for Catholics to receive Communion only in the form of bread?

Originally, all Christians received communion with bread and wine. But the plague was rampant in Europe, it was dangerous to receive communion from a single cup, and wine was very expensive and could not be stored for long.

Therefore, in the 16th century, it was decided at the Council to receive Communion with bread without damage, as it symbolizes both the body and blood of Christ. Today, Catholics receive Communion under both one and two kinds.

Why do Catholics pray the rosary?

Throughout the history of Catholicism, popes and clergy have recommended praying the rosary, a special rosary with the number of beads corresponding to the number of prayers in the Rosary, a collection of prayers of the same name.

Not only did the rosary symbolize belonging to the Christian faith, it helped the Catholic not to lose the thread during prayer, because each prayer step corresponded to a particular bead on the rosary. The rosary is a Catholic’s prayer aid, an instrument of prayer. In addition, for Catholics, the rosary symbolizes a wreath woven from prayer.

Why don’t Catholics have icons?

Actually, there are icons. Catholics equally venerate God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the saints depicted on icons in the Byzantine style, the same style we are used to seeing in Orthodox churches. At the same time, Catholic churches are more likely to have icons that look more like paintings and serve as reminders of biblical events. Also in Catholic churches you can see frescoes of the procession of Jesus, which is what Catholics kneel in front of during the procession. On Catholic icons you can see images of the Virgin Mary and Jesus. Catholics have great respect for the images of the saints and honor them, but it is customary to worship only the Virgin Mary and Jesus.
In Catholicism there is a tradition of prayerful reflection in church before the holy gifts, as if dedicating prayer to the mental image of God. To become a Catholic, as an adult, one must be catechized – taught the basics of the Christian religion.

How do I become a Catholic?

Getting baptized in the Catholic Church is no more difficult than in any other Christian church. The only difference is that as an adult, one cannot be baptized or join the Catholic Church simply by coming to the church from the street. One must be catechized – trained in the basics of the Christian religion.

Training usually takes place in Catholic churches, taught by priests and nuns who serve in that parish.

Such training can be a real test of faith for someone wishing to join the Catholic Church, because it takes almost a year to study and even to pass exams and tests.